The Female Gorilla

The Female Gorilla. The female gorilla initially assists their infants to hold on to her chest or stomach when they are born and later the infants learn how to cling to their mothers with a very powerful grip. They stay with their mothers for the first 6 months and nurse for about 2.5 to 3 years. They grow and develop much quicker than human babies and usually begin playing, smiling, and bouncing at 8 weeks. At about 9 weeks they begin crawling. They are able to stand at 20 weeks and at 34 weeks they are usually walking and traveling short distances from their mothers. Around 6 to 7 months of age, the infants are able to climb on their mothers' backs. Babies will begin feeding on some vegetation at around 2.5 months and make it the majority of their diet by 6 to 7 months. A visit to Bwindi Impenetrable forest National park the home of the Gorillas with #TwendeExpeditions will bring you #facetofacewiththesegentlegiants . https://www.twendeexpeditio...